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Winter HVAC Maintenance Tips for NorCal and Beyond

With the winter months in full swing, it’s a good time for California homeowners to ensure their heating systems are in tip-top shape. Here are our top tips for maintaining your HVAC unit this winter:

Expert Winter HVAC Maintenance Tips

Expert Winter HVAC Maintenance TipsKeep your heating system working at peak performance this winter with these simple HVAC maintenance tips. Winter is an excellent time to prepare your heating system for the cold months ahead. Here are some tips on how to keep your HVAC system in tip-top shape:

  • Regularly inspect your unit for leaks, cracks, or other damage. This practice can help you avoid any high-cost repairs down the road.
  • Have an expert check out your system before winter begins—not only will it give you peace of mind, but this could save you from paying high repair costs due to frozen pipes caused by an underpowered unit.

Consider hiring a professional HVAC maintenance company near Santa Rosa to ensure all elements work correctly before the first snowfall hits!

Winter HVAC Maintenance Prep: How to Check Your Heating System

Once the weather starts to cool down (and if you haven’t already done so), now’s the time to check your heating system. Here’s what you’ll want to do:

  • Check the thermostat setting. It should be set at a temperature that will keep you comfortable while keeping energy costs low. If it’s not set correctly, turn off the system and call an HVAC technician for help or follow our thermostat settings guide here.
  • Check the batteries in your thermostat. If they’re dead, changing them is easy—just follow our quick replacement guide here! When replacing batteries, make sure they are compatible with and installed correctly in your specific model of thermostat; otherwise, this can lead to issues like increased consumption of electricity or incorrect operation due to incorrect voltage levels being sent by each battery type used together (which could result in overheating).

Change Your HVAC Filters Regularly

Winter HVAC Maintenance Prep How to Check Your Heating SystemYou should change your filters every three to four months and use high-quality filters designed for your system. This practice will help you maximize air quality in your home. If the filter is dirty and clogged, you may need to replace it sooner. Filters should be changed when they become too dirty or clogged, causing damage to your HVAC system. Also, changing the filters when you move into a new home or apartment is essential so no dirt from previous inhabitants gets carried into your home.

Clean Air Vents and Grills

Homeowners should regularly clean air vents and grills to remove dust, pollen and other air pollutants that can cause respiratory problems and hire professionals to clean their air ducts. Here are some tips for cleaning your home’s air vents:

  • Use a soft brush or rag to remove dust from the vents. For a thorough cleaning, use a vacuum with crevice attachment to clean out any debris that may be stuck in between the grill or around the fan blades.
  • Cleaning frequency depends on how often you use each vent. If you have an active child who plays with toys near an indoor vent, it may need more frequent maintenance than one that is used only occasionally by adults. It’s also important to keep track of how dirty your home gets during cold months when heating systems are running full-time—you might have to do some extra fall cleaning before winter hits!

Keep the Area Around Your HVAC Unit Clear

It’s important to keep the area around your HVAC unit clear of snow, ice and debris. If snow or ice starts to build up on the unit itself, it can cause problems with airflow and efficiency. Also, make sure that there are no leaves or other debris blocking any of the air vents on top of or in front of your HVAC unit.

Schedule an HVAC Inspection During Winter HVAC Maintenance

Schedule an HVAC Inspection During Winter HVAC MaintenanceWhether in NorCal or anywhere else, it is always a good idea to have your HVAC system inspected at least once yearly. With the start of winter comes the perfect opportunity for an inspection. If you don’t have one scheduled, now is the time to set up an appointment with one of our professional air conditioner repair technicians before cold weather hits!

There are many benefits to having your heating and cooling system inspected by a professional:

  • You’ll know if there are any issues worth addressing before they become major problems that cost thousands of dollars in repairs
  • We’ll be able to pinpoint any issues that may result from neglecting proper maintenance (such as damage caused by dirt buildup) so that we can get them taken care of now—before they turn into big headaches later on down the road.


It’s time to get your heating system ready for winter! If you have questions about your HVAC system, contact Elevated Comfort today. We will help you with whatever winter HVAC maintenance needs.

4 Harmless Furnace Smells (and 3 to Worry About)

Have you ever noticed that your furnace smells funny when you turn it on for the first time every year? Chances are, there’s nothing to worry about. Most unpleasant or unfamiliar furnace smells result from simple, noncritical, maintenance-related issues or just come with the territory. However, hiding in these lists of innocuous odors are a few worrisome warning signs that something is wrong. Read on to learn which is which, with four harmless furnace smells and three that should trigger a call to the experts.  

Harmless vs. Harmful Furnace Smells

Harmless vs. Harmful Furnace SmellsHere in Northern California, furnaces aren’t as frequently used as in colder parts of the country. Still, the winter months mean colder temperatures and a need to elevate the comfort levels in our homes with a heating option, like a furnace. However, the first time you turn it on for the season, your furnace might smell like something is burning in your air vents. 

This, along with various other furnace smells, may send you straight to the phone to call your friendly neighborhood HVAC specialist, but chances are, it’s perfectly normal. Most of the time, the smells that come from your furnace are harmless. Some degree of odor production is just part and parcel of using an appliance that generates heat and forces hot air throughout your home. However, there are a few cases that warrant a swift reaction. 

4 Harmless Furnace Smells

As we mentioned above, most furnace odors are harmless. In fact, you may even see smoke coming from your furnace under normal and non-emergency circumstances. These four common furnace smells are harmless, and while you should keep an eye (or a nostril) out to make sure they dissipate, they are not a cause for immediate concern.

New Furnace Smell

Furnace SmellsAll new furnaces smell like burning oil for at least a couple of hours the first time you turn them on. That’s because all new furnaces are burning oil the first time you turn them on. The smoke and scent produced during this process are a normal part of the appliance lifecycle. The good news is that the new furnace smell is not as unpleasant as it sounds. Even though it may produce some white or blue-colored smoke, and it is created by the protective oil coating on your new furnace’s heat exchange burning away as it gets hot for the first time, the odor itself is distinctively sweet. The smell of furnaces kicking on the first time has been compared to maple syrup.

Singed Hair

While significantly less pleasant than its predecessor, this furnace odor is equally ubiquitous. The most common question about furnace smells is: Why does it smell like something is burning in my vents? The simple answer is that dust, hair, dander, and other debris build up in your air ducts throughout the year. These get toasted when your furnace turns on, creating the distinct and familiar scent of singed hair we associate with the first use of the season.

Musty or Dusty

Musty smells coming from your vents most likely mean your air ducts are in need of cleaning or that you need to change your filter. The possibility that mold or mildew might be growing is there, but without any additional respiratory symptoms, it’s unlikely. If you develop any flu-like symptoms, notice any visible water damage or moldy spots, or the smell persists after your filter is changed, call an air quality service for an evaluation.

Pet Smells

The last of our common furnace smells that result from harmless issues is pet odors. The reason your vents smell like pet urine or poop is likely because there is an accident luring near one of your vent grilles. Find the source of the stench and clean up the residue to get rid of the smell. If no mess can be found or if you don’t own a pet, call a pest control specialist to check your home for evidence of animal infestation. 

3 Furnace Smells to Worry About

3 Furnace Smells to Worry AboutWhile the scents listed above may not be pleasant, they don’t pose any immediate danger to you, your family, or your customers. However, there are a few furnace smells that are cause for concern. If you smell sulfur, soot, or sewage, you should call your local HVAC expert A.S.A.P. for guidance. 

Furnace Smells Like Rotten Eggs

Sulfuric odors, like the famous rotten egg stench, are added to natural gas and propane to make them detectable to humans. These dangerous gases are flammable, poisonous, explosive, and odorless in their natural form. If you smell rotten eggs in your home, it indicates a possible gas leak. This is an emergency situation and should be treated as such. Get yourself, your pets, and your family out of the home and away from the danger immediately, and then call in an expert to handle the testing and any necessary repairs.

Furnace Smells Like Soot or Chemicals

If your furnace smells like soot or has a strong, sharp chemical odor, you need to call a furnace repair professional immediately. The most likely source of these odors is a crack in your heat exchanger, which presents a fire hazard. Soot is flammable, as are many types of fumes produced by faulty heating equipment, and these ignition sources can go undetected if not addressed as soon as possible. With so many fire concerns already, NorCal residents deserve the peace of mind that comes with a safe, working furnace.

Furnace Smells Like Sewage

Raw sewage has a distinct, memorable, and thoroughly unpleasant odor. While we may tolerate the scent at its source, it’s a concern when the smell creeps into other areas of the home. If you notice the stench of sewage coming from your vents, call your HVAC servicer and a good plumber immediately. (If you’re in NorCal, you’re in luck; Elevated Comfort is both.)

The most likely explanation for sewer smells coming from your furnace is that a sewer or wastewater line has ruptured near your system. Look around for soft spots in the ground or puddles of questionably liquid mud to identify the source of the leak, and let the experts do the rest. Sewage is a health hazard that needs to be cleaned up as soon as possible. 

Got Furnace Odors? Call Elevated Comfort!

If you’ve noticed some unpleasant odors coming from your HVAC system, it may be a good time for furnace maintenance from a reputable HVAC contractor like Elevated Comfort. In most cases, furnace smells are no cause for immediate concern. However, a furnace replacement could be in order or even a plumbing repair. The best course of action to ensure the health and safety of everyone in your home or property is to call a qualified professional to assess the situation. 

Call Elevated Comfort for your estimate today!

3 Ways to Boost Indoor Air Quality in Winter

Best Ways to Boost Indoor Air Quality in WinterSo much depends on maintaining excellent indoor air quality: your health, hygiene, wellness, and comfort all hinge on this one important and often overlooked system. Unfortunately, it can be particularly challenging to keep your IAQI (indoor air quality index) at acceptable numbers in the winter due to a number of factors. Even in California, where “winter” is usually not the snowy, frozen mess that we often associate with the season, there are still drops in temperature and air quality that can pose a problem in the later months. In this article, you’ll learn how to boost your indoor air quality between professional visits with three tips from the experts at Elevated Comfort. But first, let’s explore the reasons that air quality changes from one season to the next. 

Is Air Quality Worse in Winter?

One thing we do know is that in many places, California included, indoor air quality takes a turn for the worse. This contributes to the increase in respiratory illnesses that has led to the colloquial use of “cold” to refer to any mild respiratory infection as well as the misconception that exposure to cold air (for example, with wet hair) is what causes these illnesses to appear. However, there is an increase in the concentrations of viral and bacterial particulates circulating in indoor spaces during the winter that causes these infections. So why is air quality bad in winter?

What Causes Poor Air Quality in Winter

The simple answer is that people are more likely to congregate indoors during cooler weather, as heated indoor spaces become sanctuary from the seasons’s chill. As a result, microbes from breath, particulates shed from clothing, and dirt dragged in on shoes also see a spike in colder weather. As those microscopic invaders make their way through the air filters of your air conditioning or furnace system, they disperse into all areas of your property, lowering the overall indoor air quality.

What Causes Indoor Air Pollution?

Indoor air pollution examples include cigarette smoke, pollen, pet dander, hair and fur, dust, and aerosol chemicals like hairspray. Airing out houses and commercial properties can help to remove pollutants, but only if it doesn’t introduce new pollutants like smog, exhaust, pollen, and wildfire smoke to take their place. When airing out the property, be sure to use fans & air quality appliances to circulate the air for the best results.

How to Purify Air at Home: 3 Indoor Air Quality Tips for Winter

How to Purify Air at Home 3 Indoor Air Quality Tips for WinterWhen it comes to indoor air quality HVAC professionals like the experts at Elevated Comfort can help you keep allergies and illness under control with regular maintenance procedures. Air quality companies like Elevated Comfort rely on the skills and knowledge of our air quality experts to keep our customers safe, but you learn many of the same maintenance skills on your own. The IAQA, or Indoor Air Quality Association, uses data from the EPA and other organizations to create guides for managing harmful air quality factors such as mold, pollen, and dust.

Indoor Air Quality Boost #1: Maintenance Matters

First, hire an air quality test company to identify the specific air quality issues you are facing. Commercial and home air quality test companies may use different equipment and charge different rates as a result of the differing HVAC system construction and overall ventilation and volume of commercial spaces, so be sure to find a quality industry leader who specializes in your property type before scheduling your test. Then, perform the most important home-maintenance procedure based on the results: choose a filter that caters to your specific IAQ needs and replace your current filter. Air professional associates and technicians recommend replacing your filter no less frequently than once every three months, and, during especially poor air quality periods like wildfire season and during pollen blooms, you may need to increase the frequency to once a month.

Indoor Air Quality Boost #2: Use the Right Supplies

Learning how to improve indoor air quality in winter requires the same methodology as learning how to improve air quality in basement conditions. You’ll need the right equipment for the job. Your AC  does not clean the air, despite the common misconception. While the AC filter does prevent additional particulates from entering the air through your HVAC system, to remove the microscopic nanoparticulates that make it through the filter, you will need an air purifier or indoor air quality services from a qualified professional. Air purifiers focus on central point air quality, removing particulates at a central location before dispersing clean and sterilized air through your ventilation system and into the rest of your property.

For the most part, indoor air quality supplies revolve around air filters (like HEPA filters and activated charcoal or carbon filters), air sanitization (via UV light, chemical treatment, or ozone generation), and housekeeping (such as dusters, vacuum filters, and other methods to keep dirt and debris from making it back into the air in and around your property. Using commercial-grade air filters is always a good idea, but there are a number of natural air filters, or substances you can keep around to better dwelling air quality without the need to hire an air quality home service provider as often as you would without them doing some of the heavy lifting. Additionally, with new, energy-efficient windows AQI figures can dramatically improve. High-quality windows prevent contaminated outside air from leaking into your indoor spaces.

Indoor Air Quality Boost #3: Minimize Pollution

The final way to boost indoor air quality in winter is to avoid adding more pollutants to the mix. This means you should avoid smoking indoors, use exhaust fans to pull cooking smoke outside, and avoid tracking dust, dirt, and debris with allergens into your home by leaving shoes at the door. Additionally, you should clean your floors, fans, and vent covers on a regular basis (as often as weekly during high dust or pollen counts and at least once a month otherwise). This ensures there is less dirt and dust to circulate in your system.

Don’t Forget Professional Indoor Air Quality Services

Don't Forget Professional Indoor Air Quality ServicesNovember is a great time to get your system looked over by a professional, as it’s just before the winter air quality drop. On the other side of the coin, May is Clean Air Month in the US. What better time to plan your other semi annual routine IAQ maintenance service from a provider you can trust? 

An experienced air quality specialist can share the best air quality and restoration practices for your property. Elevated Comfort’s indoor air professionals provide clean air quality services for home and business owners in the northern California region, including Santa Rosa and its surrounding cities. We hope these tips help you keep your air quality up to snuff this winter. For more seasonal HVAC maintenance best practices, check out these 6 HVAC Safety Tips for the Spooky Season and Beyond!

5 Signs You Need Drain Cleaning Services

Every homeowner and property owner knows that water, where it’s not supposed to be, can cause serious problems. One of the most common causes of water accumulation is a clogged or partially clogged drain. A clean drain pipe is an efficient drain pipe, and the best way to keep your drain pipes clean is to hire a professional drain cleaning service. But why should you outsource what seems like a simple cleaning task, and how can you tell if a clogged drains service call is necessary? Read on to learn more.

What Is Drain Cleaning and How Does It Work?

Signs You Need Drain Cleaning ServicesCleaning drain lines that are completely blocked is significantly more involved than just wiping down surfaces or using chemicals to dissolve clogs. Instead of using liquid drain cleaner professional services employ a number of tools to bust blockages and clear clogs in your drains and the pipes to which they attach. Professional sewer and drain cleaning specialists may use a plumbing snake, a hydro jet, or more extreme or invasive measures if necessary (typically if a defect in the plumbing has become apparent during the drain clean out service). For example, underground drainage cleaning may be necessary if you need a sewer line repair or sewer line cleaning services. A toilet drain pipe cleaner like a snake might be necessary for sewage-related clogs while cleaning toilet drain pipes.

Benefits of Professional Plumbing Drain Cleaning Services

Professional drainage line cleaning helps keep your home safe from water damage, burst pipes, leaking sewage, and more. In addition, by preventing more severe damage, regular professional drain cleaning saves you money on repairs and construction costs. You should still be cleaning out drains on a regular basis with flushing techniques to keep the clogs from coming back, as well as following common best practices (such as not pouring grease down drains). But having your drains cleaned by plumbing professionals is a maintenance measure that should be factored into your regular maintenance schedule for appliances and systems.

Signs You Need Drainage Cleaning Services

Benefits of Professional Plumbing Drain Cleaning ServicesIf you don’t know how to clean drain lines, how to clean house drain pipes, or how to clean a drain pipe in general, you’re not alone. Most homeowners and businesses, especially restaurants, outsource their drain pipe cleaning to pro drain plumbing companies. When considering hiring a professional for drain cleaning how to tell your drains are clogged is an important skill. Here are five signs you need professional drain cleaning.


Let’s face it, fruit flies and other bugs are a real nuisance. They often seem to appear overnight, and they’re much harder to get rid of than they are to attract. Surface cleaning drains regularly is an excellent preventative measure, but there’s only so much that you can do without the proper equipment. If you notice more fruit flies than usual, it is likely due to the food waste building up in your drain. The only way to get rid of them and keep them from coming back is to call for professional plumbing and drain cleaning services to clean what you can’t reach.

Standing Water

Do you have trouble with puddles of stagnant, dirty water stuck in your sink or washing machine? Standing water is a huge red flag that something is amiss with your plumbing and professional drain services are in order. This means there is likely a plug of hair, fat, or other debris in one of the drains that will need to be removed. In a shower, it’s typically from hair from our heads, kitchen sinks are usually fat-based, and toilets—let’s just say that other gunk has accumulated over time. Clogs prevent water from going down the drain, causing standing water puddles to form and possibly leading to a flooding experience. If water won’t flow out of your house, clean your drain.

Gurgling Noises

Be sure to pay attention to what you hear and see when water goes down the drain. You may see bubbles or hear something like gurgles coming out of it; that’s because there’s a clog somewhere in your pipes, which is causing air to rise back up as the surface tension breaks. This usually means you have a partial clog, but it will get worse over time if not treated and removed by a professional drain cleaner.

Frequent Clogging

If you find yourself with clogged drains that keep coming back, you’re probably not clearing the clog all the way. This means the partial debris plug from each clog is getting pushed further into your line and further out of reach while you spend a fortune on liquid drain cleaner and still have sluggish drains. Plumbing clogs can be incredibly frustrating, and it’s best to call us before your pipes become fully compacted which can lead to damage and costly repairs.

Unpleasant Odors

Santa Rosa Drain Cleaning ExpertsOne of the leading causes of smelly pipes is food or grease that is clogging up the waste line. Waste and sewage can build up in plumbing lines as well, forcing a pungent odor into your home. These smells can be avoided by enlisting a professional to clear out your pipes so that you don’t have to worry about them again. If something rotten is reeking up your home, give the drain cleaning professionals at Elevated Comfort a call.

Note: The smell of gas is an emergency. Evacuate your home or property and call your gas company ASAP.

Santa Rosa Drain Cleaning Experts

When you need to get your drain clean service performed by expert plumbing technicians can turn a nightmare into a pleasant experience. For those outside our service area, simply type “drainage pipe cleaning services near me” into your favorite search engine to find a reputable and reliable plumber in your neck of the woods. For homeowners in Santa Rosa, CA and the surrounding areas, Elevated Comfort has you and your drains covered with decades of professional experience and the right tools for every job. Call today for drain cleaning services you can count on!

6 Simple HVAC Safety Tips for the Spooky Season and Beyond

As the leaves change color and the weather starts to get a little cooler, it’s important to remember to take some time to prepare your home HVAC system for fall. Proper preparation can help keep you and your family safe and comfortable all season long! In this blog post, we will discuss seven simple HVAC safety tips that you can use to protect your home and wallet this fall. Follow these tips, and you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that your HVAC system is prepared for whatever the season throws at it—and if you need help, the experts from Elevated Comfort are available anytime!

HVAC Safety Tips Are Mostly Maintenance Related

HVAC Safety Tips Are Mostly Maintenance RelatedYou might be surprised to know that the majority of HVAC safety tips are actually related to maintenance. Regular HVAC maintenance is important all year round, but it becomes even more crucial in the fall as your system will be working overtime to keep your home comfortable. Follow these maintenance tips, and you’ll help ensure that your HVAC system runs safely and efficiently all season long.

6 HVAC Safety Tips for Fall

Without further ado, here are seven HVAC safety tips to help you enjoy a safe and comfortable fall and to keep your system running at peak efficiency year-round.

1. Inspect your HVAC system regularly.

You should inspect your HVAC system at least once a year to make sure that it is in good working condition. If you notice any problems, such as strange noises or leaks, you should contact a professional for help.

2. Change your air filter regularly.

One of the most important things you can do to keep your HVAC system running efficiently is to change the air filter regularly. Depending on your system type, you may need to change the filter every month or two. A furnace, for example, will require a different type of air filter than a boiler or a heat pump.

3. Clean your vents and registers.

Another important maintenance task is to clean your vents and registers. Over time, dust and dirt can build up on these surfaces, which can impede airflow and reduce efficiency. You should clean them with a vacuum attachment or a brush on a regular basis.

4. Keep flammable materials away from your HVAC unit.

Because HVAC units contain electrical components, it is important to keep flammable materials away from them. This includes things like gasoline, cleaning supplies, and paper products. If you must store these items near your unit, be sure to keep them in a safe place where they cannot come into contact with the unit itself.

5. Do not attempt repairs yourself.

If you notice any problems with your HVAC system, do not attempt to repair it yourself. This is a job for a trained professional, as attempting repairs yourself could void your warranty or cause further damage to the unit.

6. Schedule annual maintenance appointments.

In addition to inspecting your HVAC system regularly, you should also schedule an annual maintenance appointment with a qualified technician. This will help to ensure that your system is running efficiently and that any potential problems are caught early on.


HVAC Safety FAQWhen putting this list together, we wanted to get out ahead of the most common questions we receive about HVAC safety. If you have any additional questions that aren’t answered here, feel free to reach out to our team, and we’ll be happy to help.

Is it safe to use my HVAC system if it’s been damaged in a storm?

If your HVAC system has been damaged in a storm, it’s best to err on the side of caution and have it inspected by a professional before using it again. Even if the damage doesn’t appear to be severe, there could be underlying issues that could cause further damage or even pose a safety hazard if the system is used without proper repair.

What are some common HVAC safety hazards?

There are several potential HVAC safety hazards that homeowners should be aware of, including:

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning: This can occur if there is a gas leak in the HVAC system. If you suspect a gas leak, evacuate the premises immediately and call your gas company.
  • Electrical shock: This can happen if you attempt to repair your HVAC system without disconnecting it from the power source first. Always make sure to shut off power to the unit before attempting any repairs.
  • Fire: An HVAC system can start a fire if it’s not properly maintained. Regularly check for dust and debris build-up, and make sure all electrical connections are secure.
  • Falling objects: HVAC units are typically installed on rooftops or other high places. If the unit isn’t properly secured, it could fall and injure someone below.

How often should a furnace be serviced?

Most furnaces need to be serviced once a year. However, if you have an oil furnace, it may need to be serviced more often. Check your owner’s manual for specific recommendations.

When should I service my HVAC system?

It’s generally best to schedule HVAC servicing in the fall, before winter weather arrives. This will help ensure that your system is running efficiently and can handle the demands of the colder months.

How much does HVAC servicing cost?

The cost of HVAC servicing varies depending on the type of system and the scope of work required. A basic tune-up may cost around $100, while a more comprehensive service could cost up to $500.

Do gas furnaces need to be cleaned?

Yes, gas furnaces should be cleaned on a regular basis. A build-up of dirt and debris can cause the furnace to work harder than necessary, which can lead to premature wear and tear.

Why do I smell burning hair the first time turning on a furnace after summer ends?

This is likely due to the presence of dust and debris in the furnace. When the furnace is turned on, the heat can cause these particles to ignite, which can produce a burning smell.

Are gas furnaces safe?

Yes, gas furnaces are safe when they are properly maintained and serviced. However, if there is a problem with the furnace, it can pose a safety hazard.

Get More HVAC Safety Tips and Expert Help from Elevated Comfort

Get More HVAC Safety Tips and Expert Help from Elevated ComfortThe trained HVAC professionals at Elevated Comfort can help you with all your HVAC needs, including safety tips and maintenance. We offer a comprehensive HVAC maintenance program that covers boiler, heat pump, and furnace maintenance, and more! For more information on heat pump systems, see our last article. Ready to start taking HVAC safety more seriously? Call today to schedule your service!

Heat Pump HVAC Systems: The Future of Home Heating in Santa Rosa CA

If you’re in the market for a new heating system this fall, you may be considering a heat pump HVAC system. Heat pump systems have been growing in popularity in recent years and for good reason! They offer many benefits over traditional AC and furnace systems. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the basics of heat pump HVAC systems and why they are a great option for Santa Rosa, CA homeowners. We’ll also answer some of the most common questions about heat pumps, so you can decide if one is right for you!

What Is a Heat Pump HVAC System and How Does It Work?

Heat Pump HVAC Systems The Future of Home HeatingSo, what is a heat pump HVAC system? Heat pumps are a type of mechanical-compression cycle refrigeration system. In other words, they move heat from one place to another to heat or cool your home. Heat pumps can be used for heating and cooling, making them a very versatile option. It uses a refrigerant to absorb heat from the air or ground and then pumps it into your home.

There are two main types of heat pumps: air-source and ground-source. Air-source heat pumps are the most common type and use the air outside to heat or cool your home. Ground-source heat pumps, also called geothermal heat pumps, use the ground to transfer heat. The heat from the ground is transferred into your home in the winter and transferred out of your home in the summer.

Heat Pump HVAC Components

The heat pump thermostat controls the heat pump and regulates the temperature in your home. The thermostat has a sensing element that monitors the air temperature around it. When the air temperature falls below the set point, the thermostat signals the heat pump to turn on. The heat pump then begins circulating refrigerant through its system.

This heat pump diagram explains how the heating cycle works and how the heat pump will be installed in your home. As the refrigerant circulates, it absorbs heat from the ground and transfers it into your home. In the summer, the process is reversed. The heat pump removes heat from your home and transfers it back into the ground.

Frequently Asked Questions about Heat Pump HVAC Systems

Heat Pump HVAC SystemsIf you’re thinking about getting a heat pump HVAC system installed this fall, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure to choose a reputable company with experience in heat pump installation. Second, be sure to get a system that is the right size for your home. Heat pumps come in a variety of sizes, so it’s important to choose one that will be able to heat and cool your entire home effectively. Finally, make sure to ask any questions you may have about heat pump HVAC systems. A reputable company should be able to answer any questions you have and help you choose the best system for your needs.

Who Makes the Best Heat Pump System?

The best heat pump system for your home will be the one that is properly sized for the square footage of your house. Heat pump systems are available in a variety of sizes and efficiency levels. You should consult with a qualified HVAC contractor to determine which system is right for your home. Some popular brands include Trane, Carrier, and Rheem.

What Are The Benefits of Heat Pump HVAC Systems?

Heat pump systems offer a number of benefits over traditional furnace and air conditioner systems. Heat pump systems are more energy efficient, meaning they will save you money on your monthly utility bills. Heat pump systems also have a much longer lifespan than traditional HVAC systems, so you can expect to get many years of use out of your heat pump system.

What Are The Disadvantages of Heat Pump HVAC Systems?

Heat pump systems do have some disadvantages. Heat pump systems are more expensive to install than traditional HVAC systems. Heat pump systems also require regular maintenance and repairs, so you will need to budget for these costs.

Should I Install a Heat Pump HVAC System in My Santa Rosa CA Home?

If you are looking for a more energy-efficient and cost-effective way to heat your Santa Rosa CA home, then a heat pump system is a great option. Heat pump systems are also much better for the environment, so you can feel good about installing a heat pump system in your home.

How Can I Find Heat Pump Service Near Me?

For those who live in and around Santa Rosa California, Elevated Comfort offers prompt, professional heat pump service, including installation, replacement, repair, and maintenance. If you live outside of our Northern California service area, search for “heat pump installation near me” in your favorite search engine to find heat pump HVAC contractors near you.

If you need heat pump repair, maintenance, or replacement, you can adjust your search query to match the service you need. Be sure to read reviews and do some research on the HVAC contractors that come up. This will help you find a reputable contractor that installs quality products and has the experience and skill to take care of your system without breaking your budget.

Heat Pump vs HVAC Systems

Heat Pump HVAC Systems in Santa Rosa CAThere are a number of differences when comparing the use of a furnace and air conditioning vs heat pump installation. Heat pumps are more efficient than furnaces and air conditioners because they don’t generate heat, they move it. This makes them ideal for use in places with moderate climates like Santa Rosa. Let’s take a closer look at how the dual function of a heat pump stacks up against its more specialized competition

Heat Pump vs Furnace

The debate of heat pump vs furnace is a common one. Furnaces are powered by electricity, natural gas, or oil. Heat pumps use electricity to transfer heat from the air, water, or ground outside into your home. In most cases, it costs less to operate a heat pump than it does to run a furnace and an air conditioner. Heat pumps also tend to last longer than furnaces, with a lifespan of 15-20 years.

When it comes to efficiency, heat pumps have an edge over furnaces as well. Heat pumps can reach 400% efficiency, while the most efficient furnaces are only about 98% efficient. This means that for every dollar you spend on electricity to run a heat pump, four dollars worth of heat is generated. In contrast, a furnace will only generate $0.98 worth of heat for every dollar spent on electricity. Finally, heat pumps don’t produce the waste products that furnaces do, such as carbon monoxide and other pollutants. This makes them a much cleaner option for heating your home.

Heat Pump vs AC

When it comes to cooling, the battle of a heat pump vs air conditioner is a little more clear-cut. Air conditioners have to generate cold air, which takes more energy than simply moving it around as heat pumps do. Heat pumps also have the ability to reverse their function and actually heat your home during the winter months by pulling warmth from the outside air and pumping it into your house. This saves you money because you do not have to generate new heat, you’re just using what’s already there.

Heat pumps cool just as well as regular air conditioners, but they have the added benefit of being able to heat your home as well. Heat pumps are a great option for people who want to be as energy efficient as possible.

Our Thoughts on Heat Pump HVAC Systems

So, what’s the verdict? Heat pump vs HVAC systems is a bit of a toss-up depending on your needs but, in general, heat pumps are more efficient and can save you money in the long run. Heat pumps are a great alternative to furnaces and air conditioners, especially in Santa Rosa, CA. If you’re interested in having a heat pump installed in your Santa Rosa home this fall, call Elevated Comfort – we’re your local heat pump experts! With over twenty years of experience serving the Northern California region, Elevated Comfort has the knowledge and expertise to help you select and install the perfect heat pump system for your home. Still have questions about heat pumps? Give us a call, and one of our friendly, knowledgeable staff members will be happy to answer all of your questions.

5 HVAC Troubleshooting Tips You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner

If you’re like most people, you probably only think about your home’s or office’s HVAC system when it’s not working properly. And that’s a shame, because knowing a few simple troubleshooting tips can save you a lot of time and money. Here at Elevated Comfort, we’ve seen almost every HVAC issue imaginable. So we wanted to share with our readers some of the most common problems we see, as well as how to fix them. Keep reading for 5 HVAC troubleshooting tips you’ll wish you knew sooner!

What Is HVAC Troubleshooting?

What Is HVAC TroubleshootingHVAC troubleshooting is the process of diagnosing and resolving problems with your home’s or office’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. It can be as simple as cleaning a dirty filter or checking to see if a fuse has blown. Or it could be more complex, like replacing a faulty compressor.

Why Is HVAC Troubleshooting Important?

Most people only think about their HVAC system when it’s not working properly. But taking the time to learn some basic troubleshooting tips can save you a lot of money in the long run. By being proactive and addressing small issues before they become big ones, you can avoid costly repairs down the road.

Plus, knowing how to troubleshoot your HVAC system can help you avoid calling in a professional every time something goes wrong. While there are some issues that definitely require the expertise of an HVAC contractor, many common problems can be fixed by homeowners themselves.

HVAC Troubleshooting vs HVAC Maintenance

Before we dive into the specific troubleshooting tips, it’s important to understand the difference between troubleshooting and preventive maintenance. Troubleshooting is only necessary when there’s an issue with your HVAC system, whereas preventive maintenance should be performed on a regular basis regardless of whether or not there are any problems.

Preventive HVAC maintenance helps to ensure that your system is running efficiently and can help prevent small issues from turning into big ones. It’s always best to consult with an HVAC professional about how often you should be performing preventive maintenance on your particular system. Now that we’ve got that straightened out, let’s take a look at some specific HVAC troubleshooting tips.

HVAC Troubleshooting: How to DIY Basic Diagnostics

HVAC Troubleshooting How to DIY Basic DiagnosticsIf your HVAC system isn’t working properly, the first thing you should do is check for simple solutions. Sometimes, the problem can be as simple as a blown fuse or a dirty filter. If that’s the case, simply performing some basic HVAC housekeeping can save you the time and expense of calling a professional HVAC repair company like Elevated Comfort.

Tip #1: Check the Filters

One of the most common causes of HVAC problems is dirty filters. If you don’t change your filters regularly, they can become clogged with dust and debris, which can lead to reduced airflow and decreased efficiency. Additionally, dirty filters can cause a build-up of mold and mildew, which can be harmful to your health. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to check your filters regularly and replace them when necessary.

#2: Inspect the Wiring

Another common cause of HVAC issues is faulty wiring. Over time, wires can become loose or damaged, which can lead to shorts and other problems. These shorts can cause the system to overheat, which can lead to serious damage. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to inspect your wiring regularly and have any damaged or loose wires repaired or replaced by a professional.

Tip #3: Clean the Coils

Coils are an important part of your HVAC system, and they need to be kept clean in order for the system to work properly. Dust and debris can build up on the coils over time, causing them to become clogged. This can lead to reduced airflow and decreased efficiency. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to clean your coils regularly. You can do this yourself with a brush or vacuum, or you can hire a professional to do it for you.

Tip #4: Check the Refrigerant Levels

Refrigerant is an important part of your HVAC system, and it needs to be at the proper level in order for the system to work properly. If the refrigerant level is too low, it can cause the system to overheat and break down. If the refrigerant level is too high, it can cause the system to freeze up and stop working. To prevent either of these from happening, it’s important to check the refrigerant levels regularly and have them adjusted by a professional if necessary.

Tip #5: Get a Professional Inspection

Even if you’re regularly maintaining your HVAC system and doing your best to keep it running smoothly, there’s still a chance that something could go wrong. That’s why it’s always a good idea to have a professional inspection once a year. During an inspection, a technician will thoroughly examine your system and look for any potential problems. If they find anything, they’ll be able to fix it before it becomes a bigger issue.

When HVAC Troubleshooting Isn’t Enough

When HVAC Troubleshooting Isn't EnoughSo you’ve tried everything on our list, and your HVAC system still isn’t working right? Sounds like it’s time to call in the professionals! The experienced technicians here at Elevated Comfort have seen it all when it comes to HVAC systems, and we’re ready to help you get yours back up and running. We serve homeowners and commercial property owners in Santa Rosa, CA, and throughout Northern California. We hope you found this list of HVAC troubleshooting tips helpful! Remember, if you ever have any questions or need assistance with your HVAC system, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’re always happy to help!

Best AC Setting for Sleep, Work, and Savings

Best AC SettingSummer may be coming to an end, but it’s never too late to start thinking about how to lower your energy bill. One way to shrink your energy bill is to find the best AC setting for your needs. Elevated Comfort has found the best AC setting for sleep, work, and savings! With the right AC settings, you can keep your house cool and comfortable while keeping your energy bill manageable. Keep reading for more information on how to find the best AC setting for you!

The Best AC Setting For Sleep

According to the Sleep Foundation, the best AC setting for getting a good night’s sleep is 65℉.  This temperature is cool enough to promote restful sleep but not so cold that you’ll wake up shivering in the middle of the night. If you have trouble sleeping, give this AC setting a try! You can even drop it down to 60℉ if you’re still feeling too toasty.

What Is the Most Energy-Efficient Setting for Bedtime?

Here’s where things get a little tricky. If you ask a medical doctor for their recommendation for a nighttime AC setting, you’ll find that most of them recommend a cooler temperature—somewhere between 60℉ and 72℉ at the highest. This is because heat typically disturbs sleep more than cold (and why winter naps are so famously refreshing). But if you ask Energy Star for the best setting to save money, the recommendation jumps up to a sweltering 82℉.

The Best AC Setting For Work

AC Setting for Sleep, Work, and SavingsOSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) recommends keeping office thermostats set somewhere between 68℉ and 76℉. There isn’t nearly as much research available on the best AC setting for productivity, but 72℉ falls right in the middle of this range and provides the best opportunity to please everyone at your office. Happy people are more productive (and there is research to back that up).

What to Set Your Home AC to While You’re Gone

While you’re at work or running errands, there’s no reason to keep your home as cool as it needs to be when you’re there. In fact, most people find that their homes are actually more comfortable when they’re set a few degrees warmer than usual when they’re gone. The recommended temperature is around 85℉, leaving enough slack to save money and keeping cool enough that your HVAC system won’t struggle to get down to temp when you get home.

The Best AC Setting For Savings

The Best AC Setting for Sleep, Work, and SavingsNow let’s get into the savings side of things. The Energy Star program recommends keeping your thermostat at 78℉ when you’re home and awake for the most significant energy savings.  But, of course, this temperature might not be comfortable for everyone in your home. If that’s the case, aim for the middle ground between comfort and savings by setting your thermostat to 68℉ or above. You’ll still see some energy savings while keeping things comfortable for everyone in your home.

AC Maintenance for More Energy Savings

We hope you have found these recommendations for the best AC setting for sleep, work, and savings helpful in deciding on the ideal temperature for your home and office! By following these simple tips, you can keep your home cool and comfortable all summer long while shrinking your energy bill. Give our team a call today to learn more about how we can help you save money on your energy costs with our AC maintenance services and our maintenance program!

AC Replacement Season: 5 Reasons to Upgrade This Fall

Fall is right around the corner, and that means it’s time to start thinking about air conditioner replacements. If your air conditioner is more than ten years old, it might be time for AC replacement. Many homeowners put off this home improvement project because they think it will be too expensive or too much of a hassle.

Benefits of AC Replacement

Best AC Replacement Season 5 Reasons to Upgrade This FallHowever, there are many benefits to AC replacement that make it worth considering this fall. Call a qualified AC replacement expert like Elevated Comfort for a system evaluation and estimate before you buy. Here are five reasons to replace your air conditioner this fall:

Increased Energy Efficiency

When your AC is old, it might not be as energy-efficient as a newer model. This means that it’s using more energy to cool your home, which costs you more money on your energy bill.

However, if you replace your AC with a newer model, you can save yourself some money on your energy bill. New air conditioners are more efficient than older models, so they use less energy to cool your home. This means that you’ll spend less money on your energy bill each month, which can add up to significant savings over time.

So if you’re looking for ways to save money on your energy bill, AC replacement is a great option. Not only will you save money on your monthly bills, but you’ll also reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment.

Elevated Comfort

One of the main reasons to replace your air conditioner is for increased comfort. A newer, more efficient AC unit will provide you with improved cooling performance and a more comfortable environment. With a newer AC replacement unit, you’ll be able to cool your home more quickly and evenly, ensuring that you’re comfortable no matter where you are in your house.

If you’re looking for increased comfort in your home, it’s definitely worth considering a new air conditioner. A new AC unit can help you save money on your energy bills and make your home a more comfortable place to live.

AC Replacement Is Cost-Effective

AC replacement can be a costly endeavor, but it may be more cost-effective in the long run. An old, inefficient AC unit can use twice as much energy as a newer model and can drive up your cooling costs.

Replacing your AC may seem like a big investment, but it can actually save you money in the long run. A new, energy-efficient AC unit will pay for itself in reduced cooling costs over time. So if your AC is in need of repair, it may be more cost-effective to replace it altogether.

New Unit, New Warranty

AC Replacement SeasonWhen you purchase a new air conditioner from Elevated Comfort, you can be sure that you’re getting a quality product with a warranty to match. With our new units, you know that your new AC will keep you cool all summer long – and if something goes wrong, we’ll be there to help.

Elevated Comfort offers a 10-year parts and compressor warranty on all of our new air conditioners, so you can be sure your investment is protected. We also offer free in-home estimates, so you can be sure that your new AC will fit perfectly into your home.

Peak AC Replacement Season

When is the best time to replace your AC unit? Most people would say in the summer, when the weather is hottest and you need it most. However, fall is actually the best time to replace your AC unit.

The weather is cooling down, so you won’t have to use as much energy to cool your home. And since the holidays are coming up, you may be spending more time at home than usual. It’s a great time to get a new AC unit installed and start enjoying the comfort of your own home.

If you’re looking for a new AC unit, Elevated Comfort has some of the best deals around. We offer a wide selection of high-quality units, and our experts can help you choose the perfect one for your home. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services, or visit our website to see our latest offers.

Why Choose Elevated Comfort for AC Replacement in NorCal?

AC Replacement Season Reasons to Upgrade This FallAre you in the market for a new AC unit? If so, consider Elevated Comfort. We offer a wide selection of high-quality AC units, and our experts can help you choose the perfect one for your home. We also offer some of the best deals around, so you can be sure you’re getting the best value for your money.

Why choose Elevated Comfort for your AC replacement? Here are just a few of the reasons:

  • We have a wide selection of units to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your needs.
  • Our experts are knowledgeable and experienced, and they can help you choose the right unit for your home.
  • We offer great deals on our products, so you can get the most value for your money.
  • We have a reputation for quality and service, and we’re dedicated to exceeding our customers’ expectations.

If you’re looking for a quality AC unit at an affordable price, Elevated Comfort is the company to call. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services, or check out our latest offers. We look forward to helping you find the perfect AC unit for your home or business.

7 Signs You Need Professional Air Duct Cleaning

Anyone who’s ever had their air ducts cleaned knows that it’s a seriously dusty job. Not just a little dusty, but enough dust to make you sneeze and cough for days afterwards. If you’re seeing signs that professional air duct cleaning might be in your near future, read on. We’ve put together a list of seven signs that you need to call in the pros. Keep an eye out for any of these indicators, and don’t wait too long – the sooner you get your air ducts cleaned, the better!

When Is It Time for Professional Air Duct Cleaning?

7 Signs You Need Professional Air Duct CleaningThe most common indicator that you need professional air duct cleaning is air quality problems that cause  respiratory issues, such as sneezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing. If you or anyone in your family is having these kinds of problems and you can’t seem to find the source, it might be time to call in a professional. Another sign that you need air duct cleaning is if there’s visible mold growth inside the ductwork. This is a serious problem because mold can cause respiratory issues and other health problems. If you see mold, don’t try to clean it yourself – call a professional immediately.

If your heating and cooling system seems to be working overtime, that could be a sign that your ductwork is full of dirt and debris. When the system has to work harder to move air through the ducts, it uses more energy and your utility bills go up. If you have any concerns about the air quality in your home, it’s a good idea to get your ductwork cleaned by a professional. Air duct cleaning is a relatively quick and easy process that can make a big difference in the quality of the air you breathe. Let’s take a deeper look at these seven reasons for professional air duct cleaning.

Hire a Professional Air Duct Cleaner for Double-Digit Homes

If your home is more than 10 years old, it’s likely time for a professional duct cleaning. The older your home is, the more likely it is that your ducts need to be cleaned. Over time, dust and other debris can build up in your ductwork, making it more difficult for your heating and cooling system to do its job. A professional air duct cleaning can remove all the dirt and debris from your ductwork, improving the quality of the air you breathe and making your heating and cooling system run more efficiently.

Recent Renovations? You Need Professional Air Duct Cleaning

If you’ve recently had renovations done to your home, a duct cleaning is a good idea. Construction dust and debris can get into your ducts and cause them to become dirty. A professional duct cleaning will remove all the dirt, dust and debris from your ductwork, leaving it clean and fresh. This is especially important because leftover construction debris can contain different, more dangerous particles than run-of-the-mill dust.

Pet Dander Dangers and Sick Building Syndrome

If you have pets, you should have your ducts cleaned every year. Pet hair and dander can build up in your ducts over time and cause allergies or asthma symptoms. In addition, if you have a cat that scratches furniture or urinates in your home, these particles can end up in your ductwork and cause an unpleasant smell. If you work in an office, you may have heard of sick building syndrome (SBS). This is when people who work or live in a building experience health problems that are thought to be caused by the environment they share. If the ducts in your home or office are full of dust and debris, it’s possible that this could be contributing to SBS symptoms.

Professional Duct Cleaning Reduces Asthma

Need Professional Air Duct CleaningIf you have allergies or asthma, regular duct cleanings are recommended. Allergens and asthma triggers can collect in your ducts over time and cause problems for people with respiratory allergies or asthma. Dust, pollen, mold spores, and other airborne contaminants can build up in your ducts over time, causing the air you breathe to be less clean. A professional duct cleaning will remove these triggers from your environment, providing relief for allergy and asthma sufferers.

Smoke and Soot Demand Pro Duct Cleaning

Duct cleaning is also important if you smoke or have a fireplace. Smoke and soot from cigarettes or fires can accumulate in your ducts over time and cause air quality problems. A professional duct cleaning will remove these contaminants from your environment, improving the air you breathe. Dirty ducts can also be a fire hazard. Soot and debris can build up in your ducts and block the flow of air. This can create a fire hazard in your home. A professional duct cleaning will remove this risk by removing the soot and debris from your ducts.

Get Professional Duct Cleaning for Better Energy Bills

Duct cleaning can improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling system. Dirty ducts can lead to decreased airflow and increased energy usage.  A professional duct cleaning will remove the dirt and debris from your ducts, allowing your system to run more efficiently. This can lead to lower energy bills for you while your system enjoys a well-earned break and your family thrives in a healthier environment.

Duct Maintenance Matters

Duct cleaning is an important part of preventive maintenance for your home. By having your ducts cleaned on a regular basis, you can help keep your home healthy and comfortable year-round. In addition to improved airflow and energy efficiency, regular duct cleaning can also help extend the life of your heating and cooling system. You should have your ducts cleaned at least once every few years. While duct cleaning is important, it’s only one part of maintaining a healthy home. Be sure to also keep up with other preventive maintenance tasks like changing your furnace filter regularly and scheduling annual tune-ups.

Why Choose Elevated Comfort for Professional Air Duct Cleaning?

Professional Air Duct CleaningCleaning the ducts in your home or office is not a do-it-yourself job. It requires special equipment and training to do it properly. Duct cleaning professionals have the right equipment to clean all types of ductwork, including flexible ducts used in many modern buildings. They also know how to use this equipment safely and effectively to avoid damaging your ducts or harming themselves. Elevated Comfort technicians have decades of combined experience to put to use for you, so get your free estimate today!